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  • Houci Lake
  • Cihu Memorial Sculpture Park
  • Cihu Visitor Center
  • Cihu Visitor Center - interior
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Cihu Presidential Burial Place
Cihu was known in earlier times as Biwei, and today it also has the nickname of Dongkou or "Tunnel Mouth," due to its location at the exit of the Baiji Tunnel. Cihu also reminded Chiang Kai-shek of his hometown in mainland China. The Cihu Villa was built here in 1959 for Chiang's use, and in 1962 the former ROC president had this area renamed as Cihu, or "Loving Mother Lake," in memory of his mother Wang Tsai-yu.

After Chiang's death in 1975, Cihu Villa was renamed as the Cihu Presidential Burial Place. The brick mausoleum faces south to the water is built in the style of a southern Fujianese four-sided compound, with a tile roof and circular entryways on the left and right side of the front leading to the ancillary courtyards. There is even an air-raid shelter in the hillside behind the building.

Apart from the mausoleum, the biggest visitor attraction here is the changing of the honor guard ceremony. On weekends and holidays the cameras are flashing almost non-stop as for this popular ceremony.

Cihu Visitor Center
The Cihu Visitor Center is located in a single-story brick building on the side of the parking lot. The displays inside include numerous photographs of Chiang Kai-shek, as well as original and reproduction calligraphy works by the former president. The visitor center store sells a wide selection of souvenir items featuring President and Madame Chiang. Soft figurines of the presidential couple as well as Madame Chiang's beloved honey plum cake are among the most popular items at the store.

Baiji Trail
Situated behind Cihu, Baiji Trail was originally part of the Cihu military area but was opened to the public in 1998. The trail is covered by a thick canopy of trees with plenty of scenic views and rich butterfly ecology to enjoy along the way. The path slopes gently and the entire trail can easily be walked in about an hour, making it a good choice for the whole family. From the highest point on the trail one can also enjoy a panoramic view of Daxi.

The forest here is composed mainly of secondary forest, old-growth, and bamboo forests. Commonly sighted birds in this area include the mountain Scops-owl, Chinese bamboo-partridge, yellow-throated minivet, crested serpent eagle, Formosan blue magpie, and various members of the Paridae and Turdidae families. Winter is the best time for bird watching. The trail also branches along the way, with routes leading to Xizhou Park, Xishi Pavilion, and the Dajiugong Trail, which offers some of the most picturesque views of Daxi.

Houci Lake
Discovering Houci Lake
Shaped like a crescent moon, Houci Lake is fed by small streams on Baishi Mountain (Baishishan). Originally known as Longguomaipi, it currently serves as an irrigation pool of the Taoyuan Irrigation Association, with a water area of 4.1076 hectares, and water volume of 177,500 cubic meters or enough to irrigate an area of 117.29 hectares, mainly in the Da River (Daxi) and Sanceng areas.

In the 1950s, Chiang Kai-shek discovered Cihu when his car was forced to stop at the mouth of the Baiji Tunnel and he had to make a detour by sedan chair. The scenery reminded him of his hometown of Xikou Township in Fenghua County, Zhejiang Province. In 1955, The Banqiao family headed by Lin Pen-yuan provided 19 hectares of land in Cihu for the construction of a villa. The "Dongkou Villa," as it was then known, was completed on June 13, 1959, and renamed as the "Cihu Villa" in October 1962.

As part of an evacuation plan for the Office of the President in 1962, Chiang Kai-shek instructed the government to purchase land in Cihu for the construction of an air-raid shelter and wartime command center. Quarters were also constructed here for the secretary-general, chief aide-de-camp, and deputy secretary-general to the president. After Chiang's death on April 5, 1975, this site was renamed as the Cihu Presidential Burial Place. The Cihu Presidential Burial Place Administration was also built here to handle reception and management affairs. The five office buildings at Houci Lake were also transferred to the administration, which came under the management of the Taoyuan City government in November 2007 after the Houci Lake area lost its restricted military status. Since then, the county government has been renovating facilities on the site and making other arrangements for opening the area to the public.

As a restricted area, Houci Lake was long protected from outside interference. This isolation has helped to keep the forest and natural ecology in their pristine state, making this an ideal escape for public recreation.

Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Sculpture Park in Cihu
Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Sculpture Park is the only memorial park in the world dedicated to statues of a single person. The park was opened in Cihu by the Daxi Township Government in 1997. On February 29, 2000, a ceremony was held for the installment of the park's first bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek (donated by Kaohsiung City). The park was closed for renovation by the Taoyuan City and Daxi Township governments and reopened to the public on April 5, 2008.

A total 152 statues of the former president, including both full statues and busts and even equestrian works, can be found at the park today, each with its unique artistic value. Most were donated by schools and government agencies, including the biggest one, which was donated by Kaohsiung City. The sculptures are linked by a network of paths throughout the park. A landscaped courtyard, small bridge and running stream further add to the park's elegant charm.

Travel Information

(Traffic information is subject to change. Please check with the transportation station before departure.)
  1. Nat'l Hwy 1 → Exit at the Pingzhen System Interchange → Prov. Hwy 66 → Exit at the Daxi Top Interchange → County Hwy 112A → Prov. Hwy 3 → Prov. Hwy 4 → Prov. Hwy 7
  2. Nat'l Hwy 3 → Exit at the Daxi Interchange → County Hwy 112A → Prov. Hwy 3 → Prov. Hwy 7
  1. Take THSR to Taoyuan Station, transfer Daxi Express 501 to Cihu stop.
  2. Take TRA to Taoyuan Station, transfer Xiaowulai Route 502 (Only available during weekends and national holidays)  to Cihu stop.
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