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Biyun Temple

Tainan CityAccessible Travel
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  • Sunset at Biyun Temple
  • Overlooking Biyun Temple
  • Biyun Temple Sanbao Hall
  • Guanyin Statue
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30 °C
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20 Good

Biyun temple was constructed in 1808. It combines the Minnan and Japanese architectural styles. Standing on the hill, it's also a great place to see the beautiful scenery of the mountains and the sunset.

Open Hours


Travel Information

(Traffic information is subject to change. Please check with the transportation station before departure.)
  1. Nat'l Fwy 1 → Exit at the Shuishang Interchange → County Hwy 168 → Prov. Hwy 1 → City Hwy 172A → City Hwy 165 → City Hwy 172 → City Hwy 172B
  2. Nat'l Fwy 3 → Exit at the Baihe Interchange → City Hwy 172→ City Hwy 172B
  1. Take THSR to Chiayi Station or TRA to Houbi Station and transfer Guanzihling Route 33 (Holiday Route) to Guanzihling stop and transfer Tainan City Bus Y12-2 (Holiday Route) to Huo Shan Bi Yuan Temple stop.
  2. Take TRA to Chiayi Station, transfer Chiayi Bus 7214 to Guanziling stop and transfer Tainan City Bus Y12-2 (Holiday Route) to Huo Shan Bi Yuan Temple stop.


Accessible Transportation


  1. Take THSR to Chiayi Station or TRA to Houbi Station and transfer Guanzihling Route 33 (Holiday Route) (Some buses are low-floor) to Guanzihling stop and transfer Tainan City Bus Y12-2 (Holiday Route) (Please reserve low-floor buses in advance) to Huo Shan Bi Yuan Temple stop.
  2. Take TRA to Chiayi Station, transfer Chiayi Bus 7214 (Some buses are low-floor) to Guanziling stop and transfer Tainan City Bus Y12-2 (Holiday Route) (Please reserve low-floor buses in advance) to Huo Shan Bi Yuan Temple stop.
Bus stops
Travel Information

Convenient GuidanceConvenient Guidance

  • Accessible Restroom - exterior

    Accessible Restroom - exterior

  • Accessible Restroom - interior

    Accessible Restroom - interior

  • Accessible Path

    Accessible Path

  • Accessible Elevator

    Accessible Elevator

  • Accessible Room - exterior

    Accessible Room - exterior

  • Accessible Room - interior

    Accessible Room - interior


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Last update time: Oct 23, 2023
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