




Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎
Welcome greenbird of happiness B&B 歡迎


幸福青鳥民宿位於宜蘭縣五結鄉,四周環繞稻田,環境優美舒適,典雅歐風的空間,還有女主人精心佈置的蝶古巴特創作品,每件家具,燈飾,窗簾都是主人精心挑選! 因為秉持著想要帶給旅客滿滿的幸福感~特別準備美味的迎賓午茶,熱薰衣草花茶,閱覽室,舒壓音樂,元氣中西式buffet早餐,每間房型都有景觀陽台,白天可以看天空稻田,晚上可以看星星月亮,再配一杯咖啡,輕食午茶點心,主人還提供好書分享,歡迎大家來幸福青鳥民宿找尋青鳥,找尋幸福喔~^^~ 訂房:0939-241-070徐小姐 網站:greenbird.yibnb.net

地址: 宜蘭縣五結鄉三興村三結三路5巷10號
電話或手機: 0939241070
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官方網站: 點選開啟新視窗 
總房間數: 5間
定價 : NT$2,200~NT$6,600