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To advocate forest conservation and help people learn about precious wild plants, the Department of Economic Development, Taipei City Government built this medicinal herb garden within Neishuangxi Nature Park. Covering 0.3 hectares of land, the garden is divided into six areas—"12 Zodiac Medicinal Herbs" and "Five Element Medicinal Herbs" which introduce herb plants with interesting names; "Neishuangxi Medicinal Herbs" which is planted with wild native herbs; "Hundred-Herb Tea" which introduces the ingredient plants of traditional hundred-herb tea; "Poisonous Plants" which introduces common poisonous plants so that people will not consume them accidentally; and "Wellness Fruits Trees" that introduces fruits with wellness effects.
Take THSR (or TRA) to Taipei Station, transfer Taipei MRT to Jiantan Station, transfer Taipei City Bus S18 or M1 to Bixi Bridge stop.
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