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Located in the middle reaches of the Zhiben River, this forest recreation area is rich in natural scenery including hot springs, waterfalls, many-rooted banyan trees, and tropical forests. From the deep-red 80-meter bridge that spans the river and gives access to the recreation area, you can look into the riverbed and see its wild primitive nature.
The "Tough Man Slope" here is named for the steepness of its incline. It is only 320 meters long, but it rises 150 meters and has 792 steps, making it a fine place to test your stamina. The recreation area contains forests with many types of trees, including camphor and fir as well as bamboo; and along the shaded pathway, of course, you can see the awe-inspiring "thousand-root banyan."
Nat'l Fwy 5 → Exit at the Su'ao Interchange → Prov. Hwy 9 → County Hwy 194<
Take TRA to Zhiben Station, transfer Dingdong Bus 8129 to Zhiben Hot Springs stop.
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