Day1 Checheng Train Station Checheng Train Station was greatly damaged during the 921 Earthquake and had since been restored. Now it has been marked as the most beautiful train s...Accessible Toilets:1 Distance:51.4M The Grove Taiwan "Grove" is a natural landscape or a unit of permanent forest artificially segmented with the purpose of management and development. Grove &q... Distance:172.8M Checheng Wood Exhibition Hall The exhibition hall used to be the timber industry factory during the colonial period. It now exhibits the history of the timber industry after recons...Accessible Toilets:1 Distance:86.7M Timber Pond The Timber Pond was used to store the logs which were chopped down from the mountains. By soaking the logs in the water, their life can be extended. N... Distance:8.32Km Jiji Train Station Jiji is located on the north of Zhuoshui River. It is the smallest administrative district in Taiwan. However, Jiji is one of the hottest tourist attr...Accessible Toilets:1