Day 1: Xiakelo Historic Trail Hsinchu HSR Station This is Taiwan's most uniquely designed train station, which is a masterpiece by renowned architect Kris Yao and has even represented Taiwan to participate in the 2002 Venice Biennale of Architecture; in 2006, the station was also presented with Taiwan Residential Architecture Award – First Prize. Elements of wafers and glasses were applied for its interior and exterior designs; roof with streamlined circular arc, on the other hand, borrowed the characteristics of Hakka style architecture – Hakka walled village. All in all, a localized, modern, and high tech architecture structure and train station space was sculpted and created. Qingquan Scenic Area Situated on the way to Dabajian Mountain, Qingquan is famous for hot springs. There are four hundred-meter long suspension bridges across Shangping River in the area, and they are the oldest and the most well preserved bridges of their kind in Wufeng Township. There are also Qingquan Hiking Trail, Taoshan Hiking Trail, waterfalls, and indigenous cultural objects to explore, making Qingquan a popular holiday destination. Starting Point of Xiakelo Historic Trail (Shihlu), Baishih Police Post, Xiakelo Historic Trail (Yanglao) Xiakelo Historic Trail extends across Wufeng, Jianshi in Hsinchu County. Along the Historic Trail, there are a large number of spots for observation of maple leaves, a major attraction in autumn. Xiuluan Day2: Zhenxibao Zhenxibao Zhenxibao Settlement or Cinsbu as in Atayal language is the first location where northern Atayal people have migrated to via the north ridgeline of Dabajian Mountain – Cinsbu therefore possesses the historical and cultural values and meanings of Atayal migration. In terms of natural ecological environment, there are beautiful world-class primeval forests, as well as the epibiotic plants originated from the Ice Age – cypress woods. As the trees are situated in a zone of clouds and fogs, and with their ages reaching older than around 2,500 years and their heights taller than around 35m, mosses and ferns are grown all over the epidermis of the red cypress trees; and the ecological environment continues up till an elevation of 2,500m. Cinsbu is Taiwan's uniquely diverse natural ecological environment. Giant Trees Woodland The most rural settlement in Jianshi Township is what has been known as the "Black Settlement" – Qalang Smangus, which possesses more than twenty "Giant Trees" with ages older than 1,000 years. However, the Giant Trees Woodland is still two hours of travel time from Qalang Samangus, so tourists are encouraged to stay overnight at the settlement and take off to the Woodland early next morning. The largest “Sacred Tree Grandpa” within the Giant Tree Woodland is so gigantic that it needs 24 adults altogether to completely hug the tree, making it one of Taiwan’s top ten sacred trees. Day3: Atayal Tribe Culture, Xiuluan, Lubishan Hiking Trail Xiuluan (Junjianyan Hiking Trail, Tribe Guided Tour, Wild Creek) Xiuluan Hot Spring has two sources – one is located beneath Xiuluan Checkpoint, and the other is by Junjianyan, but the water flow amounts at both sites are fairly moderate. Temperature of the weakly alkaline carbonated Hot Spring is about 45~55°C. In freezing winter, taking a hot spring bath while embraced by the green mountains and waters here – uninterrupted by any development plans with its rural location, would be a wonderful enjoyment of the ultimate primitive ambiance. Lubishan Hiking Trail Hsinchu HSR Station This is Taiwan's most uniquely designed train station, which is a masterpiece by renowned architect Kris Yao and has even represented Taiwan to participate in the 2002 Venice Biennale of Architecture; in 2006, the station was also presented with Taiwan Residential Architecture Award – First Prize. Elements of wafers and glasses were applied for its interior and exterior designs; roof with streamlined circular arc, on the other hand, borrowed the characteristics of Hakka style architecture – Hakka walled village. All in all, a localized, modern, and high tech architecture structure and train station space was sculpted and created.