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  • Wufeng Lin Family
    Information Stations Taichung City
    Wufeng Lin Family

    Address:No. 26, Minsheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City


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    Service hours:09:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

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    Fog peak Linjia Gong Bao to the park is currently open two old house, one of the first Bao Bao Taiwan's first Fujian-style official house, eleven five between the deep, large scale, the first Taiwan. Important celebrity poem highlights, the overall painting meticulous rich a plaque a story, full of story. Fine wood for the part (such as support window) varied, elegant and vulgar. Material used to show regional characteristics. Another large flower hall, the results only Fuzhou station, the width of five open room. Large flower hall of the stage and the audience exquisite gorgeous, for the Lin family in the past exclusive banquet and theater space, but also the forest family happy event venue, often flourishing moment, Lin family was also a unique children's troupe, large flower hall is Lin symbol of.

    Services & facilities
    • Toilet
    • WiFi
  • Yu Jan Shin
    Information Stations Taichung City
    Yu Jan Shin

    Address:No. 539, Sec. 4, Jiahou Rd., Waipu Dist., Taichung City


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    Service hours:Mon-Sat 08:00-17:00

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    Services & facilities
    • Toilet
    • WiFi
  • Wu Ci Fishing Security
    Information Stations Taichung City
    Wu Ci Fishing Security

    Address:No. 21, Beiti Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City


    Service hours:24 HR

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    The company has a 24-hour non-payment of a single service window, and set up Taichung patrol service area, hoping to take the service to popularize the community, the service area appearance blue and white design, to create a Mediterranean architectural style, wall use floor to Extend the view, the internal service desk, by the staff on duty to provide services and navigation, but also comfortable tables and chairs, air-conditioned rest area for the rest. In the information service, the information window with four computers, including the sea tour profiles and recruitment, tourist attractions, local food, wifi wireless Internet, video messages, sea games, etc.; Moreover, the audio-visual room to play the ocean Eco-care and the establishment of the concept of recreational safety of the sea area; and the top floor viewing platform can enjoy the sunset beauty, overlooking the Taichung Port and the ship in and out; in addition to AED in vitro to go Defender, 3C product charging area, barrier-free toilet services, nursing room, RO reverse osmosis water dispenser, simple iron horse maintenance tools and other facilities to complete the service functions.

    Services & facilities
    • Toilet
    • 24 HR
    • WiFi
  • Dajia Station
    Information Stations Taichung City
    Dajia Station

    Address:No. 828, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Dajia Dist., Taichung City


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    Service hours:04:40-23:40

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    A large railway station was founded in October 10, 2001, the original wooden station after forty-three years, due to the rapid growth of passenger and cargo business, for the needs of the business, in February 1995 expansion of reinforced concrete Building so far, while building underground road. The main railway station is the main business, the railway station is only 200 meters away from the town of Lan Palace, from the large passenger industry such as giant industry traffic, Fengyuan passenger, Miaoli passenger transport and other public transport stations are also very close to the very Convenient, the railway station before the Chiang Kai-shek a major food area, a lot of snacks, restaurants are set up here. There are many tourists on the holiday train ride big armor, the station is very lively.

    Services & facilities
    • Toilet
    • WiFi
  • Art Museum Parkway Management Committee
    Information Stations Taichung City
    Art Museum Parkway Management Committee

    Address:No. 152, Wuquan W. 2nd St., West Dist., Taichung City


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    Service hours:08:30-17:30

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    Taichung Arts Park Road shopping district is located in the country before the United States Museum, Garden Road, there are many store buildings are very unique restaurants, with hand ceremony, fine furnishings and so on. Unique courtyard of the two-story through the house, re-interpretation of the dress, their different theme space and food scattered in the spacious green area, all of a sudden from the Mediterranean coast of the white space image, instantly lead to postmodernism metropolitan style Catering, comprehensive dining culture, mixed with rich cultural colors. As the early Art Park Road for the reconstruction of all, rented as a US military officer dormitory use, so the architectural style mostly biased in Europe and the United States, mining alone and open lawn, the entire art garden business district presents a natural, leisure, quiet atmosphere, Since the opening of the United States Museum, in response to crowd demand, so in the Art Park Road on both sides of many cafes, tea Museum gradually opened. In recent years more attractive to many artists, art groups stationed in the Arts Park Road, resulting in this unique style of the art garden Road business district

    Services & facilities
    • Toilet
    • Foreign language services
    • WiFi
  • Jung She Flower Market
    Information Stations Taichung City
    Jung She Flower Market

    Address:No. 333, Sec. 5, Sanfeng Rd., Houli Dist., Taichung City


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    Service hours:09:00-18:00

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    Located in Taichung City after the territory of the territory, the north facing the fire Yan Shan, south of Tai'an old railway station, Tai'an Railway Cultural Center, after the horse and the Quarry Temple, so that your trip rich in diversity, culture, natural landscape panoramic view. In the souvenir market in the community, the more covers a wide range of flowers for appreciation, allowing you to play all day, happy all day. Every flower plant in the park, there are explanations marked, flowers, know the flowers serve twice or twice. The best place for family travel.

    Services & facilities
    • Toilet
    • WiFi
  • Shin Fong Farm
    Information Stations Taichung City
    Shin Fong Farm

    Address:No. 264, Sec. 2, Zhonghe St., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City


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    Service hours:09:00-17:00

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    A farmer's hard work, a warm and simple heart; sweat and the crystallization of the heart, to bring you the taste of happiness. Located in Taichung City, the back garden ~ new agency ~ a farmhouse always with the most warm and most simple heart, hospitality for every visit to the visitors. Shin Fong's traveler can always feel the farmer's most simple touched, can appreciate the rural simple life. Through the strong purple vineyards, taste the taste of freshly picked fresh fruit, give you a different pastoral style, Shin Fong farm and visitors to share the little joy of the story of the farm. The farm is naturally cultivated in a netroom, bagged, clean and hygienic, and the fruit is plentiful and sweet. Let us return to this piece of land experience the most real touched the new peak farm at first simply just Chen boss's orchard only

    Services & facilities
    • Toilet
    • Foreign language services
    • WiFi
    Flyer downloads
  • Okuma Tourism Factory
    Information Stations Taichung City
    Okuma Tourism Factory

    Address:No. 11, Sec. 3, Zhongshan Rd., Tanzi Dist., Taichung City


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    Service hours:10:00-17:30 (Closed on Tuesday and Wednesday.)

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    2013 in Asia to establish the first fishing tackle factory, for the first Taiwan fishing culture theme museum. Compared to foreign "fishing" is the best parent-child interactive activities, the people of Taiwan are relatively unfamiliar to fishing activities, Okuma enterprises hope to pass the museum to pass the brand "to create fun fishing fun" spirit. The design of the fishing hall is not only focused on the promotion of fishing activities, but the hope that the children will be extended to understand the marine environment, to further close the ocean, contact with the sea, change the traditional tradition of Taiwan, "fishing" is the elderly activities, dangerous and cruel activities Engraved impressions.

    Services & facilities
    • Toilet
    • Foreign language services
    • WiFi
  • Aunt A-Jiao's Store (Xiangsong Shop)
    Information Stations Taichung City
    Aunt A-Jiao's Store (Xiangsong Shop)

    Address:No. 3-1, Songhe 2nd Ln., Sec. 1, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City


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    Service hours:06:00-21:30

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    Aunt A-Jiao's Store was buried by landslide during Typhoon Mindulle. The landslide house left by her neighbor on the opposite roadside is the main visiting landmark in Songhe Tribe.

    Aunt A-Jiao, who is a warm-hearted person and loves to make friends, serves as the narrator for the community tour and demonstrates the history of escaping from the horrible landslide in Dajia River during Typhoon Mindulle to the visitors to Aunt A Jiao's Store in Songhe Tribe. All are welcome to visit her at her store for story-telling.

    Services & facilities
    • Toilet
  • Baileng Steamed Bun (Yi Xuan Shop)
    Information Stations Taichung City
    Baileng Steamed Bun (Yi Xuan Shop)

    Address:No. 42, Sec. 2, Dongguan Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City


    Website:Open new browser windows

    Service hours:08:00-16:00 (Closed on Tuesday)

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    Hidden in the small grocery shop, the steamed bun is the delicacy only known by gourmets. All buns are hand-made by rolling the dough, stuffing, and steaming at site. Take a bite, and you will find the texture of the bun is soft and release light flour fragrance while the stuffing is fresh and delicious. It is something that you must not miss when visiting Baileng.

    Baileng Steamed Bun has been established for 60 years. After witnessing Taiwan Restoration, The Floods on August 7th 1959, 921 Earthquake, Typhoon Mindulle, the declining of old central cross-island highway, and the emerging of new central cross-island highway, the highway has been diverted but we are still here to insist passing on the skill from grandmother, the traditional flavor that is known for 60 years.

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