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Taiwan Tour Bus “2 people travel, 1 for free” promotion begins in July

Date:Jul 14, 2023 Number of Visitors:12289

 The Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, has launched a new program that integrates 22 Taiwan Tour Bus routes and 83 packaged itineraries. From July 1 to December 31, 2023, if two people are traveling together, one person can travel for free. As the pandemic eases, tourists are welcomed to use this program to rediscover the beauty of Taiwan.

Reservations can be made on the Taiwan Tour Bus website or via a travel agency, and must be made at least three days before departure (five days for outlying islands). Travelers can book accommodations and pick-up/drop-off services via a travel agency. For further information and bookings, please visit the Taiwan Tour Bus website.
The Taiwan Tour Bus connects travelers to Taiwan High Speed Rail, Taiwan Railways, airports, other transportation services, hotels and popular sightseeing spots. It also provides WIFI, professional tour guides and helpful explanations. The service includes itineraries based on six major themes: 1) health and healing, 2) cultural and historic sites, 3) internet celebrity check-in spots, 4) topical activities, 5) tribal cultural experiences and 6) “secret” places. The journeys provide for in-depth tourism, as well as special local meals and activities. These are all supported by the resources of national scenic spots and regional tourism circles. This program invites everyone to experience and enjoy Taiwan's sightseeing highlights and beautiful scenery.


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    Last update time: Jul 14, 2023
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