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The National Museum of Marine Science & Technology (NMMST), located in the Badouzi peninsula and Wanghaixiang Bay, Keelung city, near to Northeast and Yilan National Scenic Area and tourist attractions such as Jiufen and Pingxi, is famous for the only railway station (Haikeguan station) in the museum area in Taiwan and worth a visit. The target visitors of the NMMST are school students and families. The museum combines functions of exhibition, education, research, collection and recreation to encourage the public to "Embrace the Ocean, Respect the Ocean and Sustain the Ocean." In the main exhibition building, there are 8 galleries, including Marine Science Gallery, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Gallery, People and the Sea Gallery, Marine Environment Gallery, Fishery Science Gallery, especially Kid's Exploration Zone designed for their marine exploration and education, etc. Regional Exploration Gallery displays the region's unique and breathtaking attractions in a thought-provoking and engaging fashion. The IMAX Theater, home to the country's largest IMAX 3D movie theater, is equipped with the latest 3D and digital sound technology, allowing you to immersive. What's more, the museum provides summer & winter camps and family events every year to explore the amazing ocean.
09:00-17:00 Closed on Monday
Nat'l Fwy 1 → Exit at Keelung Interchange → Dongan Viaduct → Zhongzheng Rd. → Prov. Hwy 2
Accessible Toilets:12
Accessible Parking:10
Wheelchair Rentals:18
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