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Fenqihu Scenic Area

Chiayi CountyAccessible Travel
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  • Fenqihu Old Street
  • Fenqihu Train Station
  • Fenqihu Lunchbox
  • Fenqihu Old Street at night
Occasional showers or thunderstorms
Today’s weather
19 °C
Probability of precipitation
Air Quality Index (AQI)
20 Good
Fenqihu, Zhonghe Vil., Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County
Fenqihu Scenic Area_Links

Accessible Toilets:1

Accessible Parking:2


Fenqihu marks the half-way-point on the way to the top of Alishan on the forest railway. This is a perfect stop-off point where tourists can relax, and take on refreshments and snacks. Culinary attractions include the famous "Alishan Railway Lunchbox," "Caoagui," and special "Train Cake."

Open Hours

24 hours

Travel Information

(Traffic information is subject to change. Please check with the transportation station before departure.)

Nat'l Fwy 3 → Exit at the Zhoungpu Interchange → Prov. Hwy 18 → County Hwy 169

  1. Take THSR to Chiayi Station and transfer Alishan Route A 7329A (from THSR Chiayi Station) (via Fenqihu) to Fenqihu stop.
  2. Take TRA to Chiayi Station and transfer Alishan Route B 7322D (from TRA Chiayi Station) (via Fenqihu) to Fenqihu stop.
  3. Take TRA to Chiayi Station and transfer Chaiyi County Bus 7322A to Fenqihu stop.


Accessible Transportation


  1. Take THSR to Chiayi Station and transfer Alishan Route A 7329A (from THSR Chiayi Station) (via Fenqihu) (Some buses are low-floor) to Fenqihu stop.
  2. Take TRA to Chiayi Station and transfer Alishan Route B 7322D (from TRA Chiayi Station) (via Fenqihu) (Some buses are low-floor) to Fenqihu stop.
  3. Take TRA to Chiayi Station and transfer Chaiyi County Bus 7322A (Some buses are low-floor) to Fenqihu stop.


Bus stops
Travel Information

Convenient GuidanceConvenient Guidance

  • Accessible Restroom - exterior

    Accessible Restroom - exterior

  • Accessible Restroom - interior

    Accessible Restroom - interior


Area Information

Last update time: Oct 24, 2023
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