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Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park

Pingtung CountyAccessible Travel
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  • Cinavu/Cinabu - Traditional Indigenous Zongzi
  • Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park - Stone Slab House
  • Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park
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No. 104, Fengjing, Beiye Vil., Majia Township, Pingtung County
Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park_Links

Accessible Toilets:6

Accessible Parking:5 for automobiles, 5 for motorcycles

Wheelchair Rentals:6


In order to preserve aboriginal culture and resources, the government established Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park in Pingtung County in 1987. The park is 82.65 hectares in area, presenting each of the aboriginal tribes and their characteristics. The park is next to Fugu Bay, which as a natural and graceful scenery. There are no modern architectures in the vicinity. With the convenient bus station, the park is perfect for holiday recreation.

The Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Cultural Park has traditional tribal cabins, which are located according to each tribe's tradition and lifestyle. There are a wax figure room, a multimedia room and an exhibition room in the park, presenting the development and culture of the aboriginal tribes. The handicraft room shows how the aborigines create their unique handcrafts. 

Open Hours

Closed on Mondays

Travel Information

(Traffic information is subject to change. Please check with the transportation station before departure.)

Nat'l Fwy 3 → Exit at the Changzhi Interchange → Prov. Hwy 24 → County Hwy 187 → Zili Rd. → Fengjing Ln.

  1. Take TRA to Pingtung Station and transfer Mountain Coffee & Cocoa Route 603C-185 (Holiday Route) (A minimum of 5 people is required to book the tour, excluding children under 6.) or Mountain Dache Route 603D-185 (Holiday Route) (A minimum of 5 people is required to book the tour, excluding children under 6.) to Taiwan Aboriginal Cultural Park Village stop.
  2. Take TRA to Pingtung Station, transfer Pingtung Bus 8227, 8228, 8229, 8231 or 8232 to Shueimen Bus Station stop and transfer Kaohsiung Bus 603B (Holiday Route) to Taiwan Aboriginal Cultural Park stop.
  3. Take TRA to Pingtung Station and transfer Pingtung Bus 8228, 8229, 8231 or 8232 to Shueimen stop.


Accessible Transportation


  1. Take TRA to Pingtung Station and transfer Mountain Coffee & Cocoa Route 603C-185 (Holiday Route) (A minimum of 5 people is required to book the tour, excluding children under 6.) (Please reserve low-floor buses in advance) or Mountain Dache Route 603D-185 (Holiday Route) (A minimum of 5 people is required to book the tour, excluding children under 6.) (Please reserve low-floor buses in advance) to Taiwan Aboriginal Cultural Park Village stop.
  2. Take TRA to Pingtung Station, transfer Pingtung Bus 8227, 8228, 8229, 8231 or 8232 (Some buses are low-floor) to Shueimen Bus Station stop and transfer Kaohsiung Bus 603B (Holiday Route) (Please reserve low-floor buses in advance) to Taiwan Aboriginal Cultural Park stop.
  3. Take TRA to Pingtung Station and transfer Pingtung Bus 8228, 8229, 8231 or 8232 (Some buses are low-floor) to Shueimen stop.


Bus stops
National Highway Bus
Travel Information

Convenient GuidanceConvenient Guidance

  • Accessible Restroom - interior

    Accessible Restroom - interior

  • Accessible Parking Space

    Accessible Parking Space

  • Accessible Trolley

    Accessible Trolley

  • Wheelchair Seat

    Wheelchair Seat


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