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Four-day Tour of Matsu

Culture & HeritageOffshore Islands


Tour route


Tunnel 88
Tunnel 88
Tunnel 88 was originally a tunnel of battle preparation for army tank companies; at present, the interior is used as the storage for the Matsu Distill...
Matsu Distillery
Matsu Distillery
The Zhongxing Distillery was established in 1956 and the name was changed to Matsu Distillery in 1969. It became popular for brewing liquor with an an...
Zhenge Daidan Memorial Park
Zhenge Daidan Memorial Park
During his visit to Matsu in 1958, Former President Chiang Kai-Shek wrote the phrase Sleeping on Spears, Awaiting the Dawn to encourage the soldiers a...

Accessible Toilets:1

Matsu Folklore Culture Museum
Matsu Folklore Culture Museum
If you intend to understand the culture and lifestyle of Matsu, you will gain much from visiting the Matsu Folklore Culture Museum. Inside there are v...

Accessible Toilets:4

Accessible Parking:2

Wheelchair Rentals:1


Bi Mountain
Bi Mountain
Bi Mountain is 298m high and it is the tallest peak in Matsu. When you stand on the sightseeing platform located at the top of the mountain and look d...
Qinbi Village
Qinbi Village
Qinbi Village is located on Beigan Island of Matsu, between the Qin Mountain and the Bi Mountain. It features the typical southern Fujian village. The...

Accessible Toilets:1


Dongju Lighthouse
Dongju Lighthouse
The Qing Empire allowed access to coastal ports for commercial uses for the British Empire after it lost the Opium War, signing the Treaty of Nanking....
Dapu Inscription
Dapu Inscription
The Dapu Inscription records the brave history of General Sheng Yurong catching Japanese pirates alive during the Wanli Years of the Ming Dynasty. Thi...


Dongyin Lighthouse
Dongyin Lighthouse
Dongyin Lighthouse was built in late 19th century by British engineers. This white lighthouse has been designated as a national ancient site. In late ...
Last update time: 2024-06-20
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