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East Longitudinal Valley National Scenic Area - Luye Visitor Center

Taitung CountyScenic Spots
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This area has been called "a land of milk honey." Traveling down Provincial Highway No.9, all you see on both sides are green farm fields stretching to the mountains. The national scenic area stretches from Mugua River in Hualien to the north to Taitung City and covers a total of 138,386 hectares, encompasses mountains, valleys, and hot springs, together with fields of rice, daylilies, pomelos, tea, and sugar apples in rich abundance. Berms crisscross the land, dividing it into fields; waves of rice billow as cows graze in pastures and fish and shrimp cavort in the streams. The contentment-filled inhabitants are warmly hospital in their rustic way, and the stream beds are littered with precious stones. Truly, this is a paradise on earth.

The valley is home to four of Taiwan's indigenous tribes: the Amis, Atayal, Bunun, and Puyuma. Aboriginal culture is among the most important and most representative of the East Rift Valley's precious resources.

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Last update time: Oct 30, 2023
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