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Wedding Under the Alishan Divine Tree

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  • Witness the wedding of 15 couples  Source:Alishan National Scenic Are
  • Wedding ceremony under the sacred tree  Year:2023  Source:Alishan National Scenic Area
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Alishan Starry Night Wedding: 5/5-5/6
Alishan National Scenic Area Headquarters
Wedding Under the Alishan Divine Tree_Links
Alishan National Forest Recreation Area - Xianglin Giant Tree

A " Wedding Under the Sacred Tree in Alishan " involves much more than nuptials. It can also be paired with a second part “Wedding Under the Starry Sky” activity. Visitors can enjoy Alishan's beautiful scenery, its forestry railway, sacred trees, traditional Tsou culture and diverse local industries. These weddings are now known around the world. Lovers can create unforgettable romantic memories when visiting Alishan for dates, wedding photos and honeymoons. The world’s tourists now travel to Alishan for its beauty and romance.

Last update time: May 21, 2024
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